Rekall not longer available from - a fabrication

GrayGeek jkrepsBEAR at
Tue Nov 4 18:15:20 EST 2003

Paul Rubin wrote:

> "John Dean" <john at> writes:
>> > Are there other, licensed technologies combined with ReKall, such as
>> > database drivers, etc., which would cripple a GPL version of ReKall?
>> I would say not. We include drivers for MySQL, PostgreSQL and xBase. We
>> do have drivers for DB2, Oracle, Informix, Sybase, and ODBC, but I
>> suppose they would have to be sold as commercial plugins, much as we
>> don't want to
> I'd say screw it.  Just ship with what you have and don't worry about the
> other
> stuff.  It will get taken care of, like it did for the Perl DBI package.

I don't know.  I'd love to convert totally to Python (I am using
Boa-Constructor) but right now I am having a hard time finding an Oracle 9i
driver that works.  Neither cx_Oracle for Python 2.2 or the one for 2.3
work.  They fail on the import statement.  I don't want to use jpython's


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