Fedora Core 1 Linux and Python/Tk

Thomas pushcold at hotpop.foo
Tue Nov 18 18:03:30 EST 2003

Python/Tk (Tkinter) does not work under Fedora Core 1; the problem
seems to be, that the Python RPM package uses a Python which was
compiled with the UCS4 option, whereas Tcl/Tk uses UCS2.

My solution: I got the Python 2.2 (FC1 uses Python 2.2) and Tkinter
RPM packages from python.org and updated Python and Tkinter with
those packages (rpm -U ...). (Luckily, the version numbers of the
python.org RPMs are higher than those from the FC1 distribution.)

(I submitted a bug report to the FC1 team (Bugzilla).)

Has someone another solution? 

(I do not want to install a separate Python 2.3; e.g. bindings for
libxml2/libxslt are not available as RPM Packages for Python 2.3, 
problems with Tkinter where reported etc. etc. IMHO, Python develops
too fast at the moment.)

Remark: Actually, I think it is quite bad that the 'tkinter' RPM
package is 'hidden' on CD #3 of the FC1 distribution (and depends
on some other packages ('itcl', 'tix'), too, which are not installed
by default. Whenever Python gets installed on a system, I would
expect that Tkinter is available on that system, too (as long as
Tk is the de facto GUI standard for Python).

mailto: pushcold at hotpop.foo (where: foo = com)

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