Use of GPLed Python extension modules
John Hunter
jdhunter at
Sun Nov 23 09:27:18 EST 2003
>>>>> "Ville" == Ville Vainio <ville.spammehardvainio at> writes:
Ville> In the light of this, does releasing a library under GPL
Ville> (as opposed to LGPL) make any sense at all?
Yes (re GPL), if you want to place the additional burden on users to
release their derived works under GPL. Ie, if you beliwve all
software should be GPL, and want to coerce others into releasing their
software as GPL, then GPL is a good license for you.
If you want to release your software with a more permissive license,
so that, for example, others can extend it and sell it in closed
source form, then GPL is a bad choice. I prefer a PSF / BSD / MIT
license that mostly lets others use the code however they see fit. If
users in the business world want to use your code in a proprietary
product, you the developer will probably (but not necessarily) see the
benefits of contributed code, bug fixes, bug reports, extensions and
perhaps consulting fees.
John Hunter
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