2 different python versions / how to install packages?
doveclaw at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Nov 25 22:20:42 EST 2003
Just wondering, but why would this be a problem. Fedora, like many Linux
distributions, has the irritating habit of installing the entire
distribution under /usr without making logical use of the /usr/local
tree. You just download the source, do the traditional
configure/make/make install dance and your good to go. The only
difference is you must type python2.3 since the python in /usr/bin will
take precedence over the one in /usr/local/bin. I'm using Fedora right
now, and all though I have not yet installed 2.3 on this distribution
the above is the standard way to install Python and I can't find much of
a reason as to why this wouldn't work.
On Tue, 2003-11-25 at 21:51, Logan wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 06:03:36 -0800, Ranger_Nemo wrote:
> > """
> > If someone is interested in how to install and use a 'separate &
> > clean' Python 2.3 as described above on Fedora Core 1, please let me
> > know. I could post a short 'HOWTO'.
> > """
> >
> > I would. I've been working on it a bit for a couple weeks and haven't
> > made any progress.
> Hi Ranger Nemo,
> I posted the HOWTO in a new thread called
> 'HOWTO: Python 2.3 on Fedora Core 1 Linux'
> (posted on Nov., 26)
> Please check it out!
> HTH, L.
> --
> mailto: logan at phreaker(NoSpam).net
Doveclaw <doveclaw at users.sourceforge.net>
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