newbie : using python to generate web-pages

Eric Baker at
Fri Nov 28 22:33:36 EST 2003

> I don't really think that 'print em(toto)' is more readable than
> 'print "<em>toto</em>"'. But that seems to be a matter of taste.
> I would always prefer the second way of writing HTML because I
> can see all the closing tags, indentation etc. Makes finding bugs
> easier.

True, using it like you descibed is not much of an innovation, but look at
this snippet:

import regsub, string, HTMLgen

doc = HTMLgen.SimpleDocument(title='Interrupts')
table = HTMLgen.Table(tabletitle='Interrupts',
    border=2, width=100, cell_align="right",
    heading=[ "Description", "IRQ", "Count" ])

table.body = []       # Empty list.

doc.append(table)     # Add table to document.

interrupts_file = open('/proc/interrupts')

for line in interrupts_file.readlines():
    data=regsub.split(string.strip(line),'[ :+]+')
    table.body.append([ HTMLgen.Text(data[2]),data[0],data[1] ])


Now that is much cleaner that a bunch of


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