Subclassing String in C

Robin Becker robin at
Mon Nov 10 19:36:39 EST 2003

A client program wants to pass my code truetype font files which have
already been loaded in memory. Our existing Python/c code reads ttf
files into memory as strings. I can easily do the same providing the
client knows the data length.

I would like to avoid the memory overhead of n+1 bytes which that would
involve by making a kind of readonly string that refers directly to the
client memory.

I can think of two possible approaches 1) implement a buffer compatible
type from scratch 2) co-opt PyString_Type to subclass String and
implement a special version of PyString_FromStringAndSize that doesn't
copy and ensure that deallocation is handled properly.

Any body already invented this kind of wheel? Are there obvious pitfalls
(other than dangling reference issues etc)? 
Robin Becker

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