Mel Wilson
mwilson at
Sun Nov 2 09:19:06 EST 2003
In article <bo2t4k$p3f$1 at>,
"Daniel Schüle" <for_usenet2000 at> wrote:
>Hi NG
>def executer(func, para):
> func(para)
>def foo():
> print "function without parameter"
>def bar(a):
> print "function with 1 parameter"
> print a
>#executer(foo, None) #error
>executer(bar, 100)
>print type(foo)
>print type(bar)
>#seem to have the same type, though one takes parameter and the other doesnt
>does this mean that None *is* a value
>some special value to show that variable cant be initialized with more
>appreciate value
>at this stage?
That's what it means. The way to call foo is `foo()`.
>is there a way to allow parameterless functions as parameter in executer?
def executer (func, para):
foo (*para)
will allow you to specify the parameter list explicitely. Then
executer (foo, ())
executer (bar, (1,))
def baz (a, b):
print "2 params:", a, b
executer (baz, (1, 2))
Regards. Mel.
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