sorting dictionary keys?

Emile van Sebille emile at
Sat Nov 29 16:52:02 EST 2003

John Smith
> Hi, what's the fastest way (least amount of typing) to sort
> objects by the key?  What's the fastest way of iterating over sorted
> for a dictionary in terms of performance?  Are the two equivalent?
> The way I have been doing it is:
> d = {}
> #populate d
> keys = d.keys()
> keys.sort()
> for k in keys:
>     print k, d[k]
> but I would like to do:
> #error here
> for k in d.keys().sort():

sort sorts in place and doesn't return anything.  In 2.4 you'll have
the sorted method.

>     print k, d[k]
> why doesn't the nested function call work?  Thanks in advance.

The shortest thing to type?  You're there with s = d.keys() and


Emile van Sebille
emile at

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