PyQt and DCOP Documentation

Jim Bublitz jbublitzno at
Sun Nov 9 21:15:03 EST 2003

Eric Williams wrote:

> Is there any reasonable documentation (i.e., with full examples
> and/or code
> snippets or argument lists or anything)  to be found for using
> python with
> Qt/DCOP?  "Fully Implemented." does not constitute complete
> documentation when you're c++ illiterate.
> I'm actually just trying to get the volume level out of noatun
> in a python script, if anyone can help me with an example.
> What, exactly, does one DO with a QByteArray in python?

>>> from qt import QByteArray
>>> qb = QByteArray ()
>>> qb.duplicate ("Hello")
<qt.QByteArray instance at 0x819d7fc>

But you should be able to use a Python string anywhere you need a
QByteArray, so the above shouldn't be necessary.

I'll check out the rest, but I'll have to see if I have noatun
working first - may take a little while to get to it

PyQt is supported on the PyKDE list:

PyKDE at


> class Noatun(dcop.DCOPClient):
>         def __init__(self):
>                 dcop.DCOPClient.__init__(self)
>                 self.appname="NoatunPeeker"
>                 self.attach()
>                 self.registerAs(self.appname)
>                 if self.isAttached():
>                         self.rc =
>                         dcop.DCOPRef("noatun","Noatun")
>                 else:
>                         print "Couldn't attach!"
>                         sys.exit(1)
>         def getvol(self):
>                 res ="volume()")
>                 if res.isValid():
>                         return str(
>                         #returns '(' why?
>                 else:
>                         return "Couldn't call"
>         def gettitle(self):
>                 res ="title()")
>                 if res.isValid():
>                         return str(
>                         #works as expected
>                 else:
>                         return "Couldn't call"
> if __name__=="__main__":
>         n = Noatun()
>         print n.getvol()
>         print n.gettitle()

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