pickle complexity limit?
Simon Burton
simonb at webone.com.au
Wed Nov 12 23:56:50 EST 2003
On Sun, 09 Nov 2003 15:15:12 -0800, Mark Hahn wrote:
> I have a heavily interlinked dom like tree structure of objects. A node
> will link to many children redundantly and many children will reference
> parents redundantly. So there are many cycles of references.
> ...
I am working on trying to flatten the data before it is pickled.
Here is the code below: it searches all references and replaces them
with dummy Ids (TankId) that key the original reference in a dict.
def fat_dump(nested):
# pickle.dump( t, ... )
# ...
# t = pickle.load( ... )
nested = t.lift()
Rather untested as i am about to take a short holiday.
( note that == doesn't work well on nested data either! )
#!/usr/bin/env python
class TankId(int):
id = 0
def __new__(self):
TankId.id += 1
return int(TankId.id)
class Tank:
def __init__(self, root = None):
self.items = {}
self.ids = {} # XX use a list
self.todo = []
if root is not None:
self.flatten( root )
def __str__(self):
return str( self.ids.values() )
# before pickle
def flat_list(self, item):
for i in range(len(item)):
item[i] = self.queue( item[i] )
def flat_dict(self, item):
for key in item.keys():
item[key] = self.queue( item[key] )
def flat_attrs(self, item):
for key in item.__dict__.keys():
item.__dict__[key] = self.queue( item.__dict__[key] )
def queue(self, item):
assert not isinstance( item, TankId )
if not ( isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, dict) or hasattr(item, "__dict__") ):
return item
if id(item) not in self.items:
tankid = TankId()
self.items[ id(item) ] = tankid # temporary
self.ids[ tankid ] = item
tankid = self.items[ id(item) ]
return tankid
def flatten(self, root):
print "flaten()"
self.root = root
self.queue( self.root )
while self.todo:
item = self.todo.pop(0)
if isinstance(item, list):
if isinstance(item, dict):
if hasattr(item, "__dict__"):
# tuple ? other immutables ? __set/getstate__ ?
del self.items
# after pickle
def lift_list(self, item):
for i in range(len(item)):
item[i] = self.recover( item[i] )
def lift_dict(self, item):
for key in item.keys():
item[key] = self.recover( item[key] )
def lift_attrs(self, item):
for key in item.__dict__.keys():
item.__dict__[key] = self.recover( item.__dict__[key] )
def recover(self, item):
if isinstance( item, TankId ):
item = self.ids[ item ]
assert not isinstance( item, TankId )
return item
def lift(self):
print "lifting"
for item in self.ids.values():
if isinstance(item, list):
if isinstance(item, dict):
if hasattr(item, "__dict__"):
# tuple ? other immutables ? __set/getstate__ ?
return self.root
Simon Burton, B.Sc.
Licensed PO Box A66
ANU Canberra 2601
Ph. 02 6249 6940
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