Can't get wxGrid to work

Erik Lechak prochak at
Tue Nov 4 01:13:56 EST 2003


> self.gridPart2 = wxGrid(id=wxID_WXHAP2004GRIDPART2, name='gridPart2',
>                 parent=self.pnlPersInfo, pos=wxPoint(280, 104), size=wxSize(112,
>                 176), style=wxSIMPLE_BORDER)

Don't forget to self.gridPar2.CreateGrid(rows,cols)

wxGrid isn't as dynamic or intuitive or whatever you want to call it. 
You have to explicitly tell it how many rows and cols you have.  Look
at AppendRows, AppendCols, DeleteRows, and DeleteCols.  Dont try to
CreateGrid more than once.

Hope this helps,
Erik Lechak

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