Digest Number 5208
Bogdan Marinescu
a_bogdan_marinescu at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 17 02:42:09 EST 2003
Message: 15
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2003 13:12:34 +1100
From: Mark Hammond <mhammond at skippinet.com.au>
Subject: Re: Strange Python COM behaviour
> strange errors. Specifically, I try to use a COM
object that supports
> events, and I'm instantiating it like this:
> eventobj = win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents(
> DebuggerThreadEvents )
> It seems that events_class's type is str ( as
returned by
> getevents() function in __init__.py file from
> directory) instead of 'classobj' as it is supposed
to be. event_class
> is actually a simple string showing a CLSID. I'm new
to COM and I
> can't understand why this is happening. Please help
me if you can.
> Regards,
> It looks to me as if this error could occur if the
event interface you
> are trying to implement is not based on IDispatch.
It looks like a bug
> in win32com - what is the object you are trying to
Thank you very much for your reply. This is crtthread:
<win32com.gen_py.Metrowerks CodeWarrior
IDE.ICodeWarriorDebuggerThread instance at 0x19752440>
This is the signature of the interface as returned by
OLE/COM Object Viewer:
interface ICodeWarriorDebuggerThread : IDispatch {
And this is the signature of the events interface:
interface ICodeWarriorDebuggerThreadEvents : IUnknown
This is the declaration of my events class:
class DebuggerThreadEvents:
""" Handle events generated by the
ICodeWarriorDebuggerThreadEvents object """
def ThreadDied( self, thread ):
print '1'
def ThreadStepped( self, thread, stepMode ):
print '2'
By the way, thank you for Win32 extensions, they are
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