Does python always need to compile ENTIRE program before it can start to run it???

Michael T. Babcock mbabcock at
Mon Nov 3 14:37:38 EST 2003

> make ; myprogram
>I am trying to think of an advantage Python has over this hack....
>Is it true that unlike C/C++ that Python programs can start executing
>before compilation is COMPLETELY done???  I think so but I'm not sure.

Yes.  You can have Python code that wouldn't "compile" but still runs.  
As long as the paths the interpreter takes have no errors, you're fine 
(minor exception of syntax errors).

class a:
    def __init__(self):
       help # syntax error if we initialize an instance of a()

print "hello world"

... that'll still run 'fine' because you don't use "a"

That said, the "compilation" time of a Python program is almost 
nonexistant in most cases.  Most of the work is runtime; load a class, 
wait for the class to compile, and so on..

Michael T. Babcock
C.T.O., FibreSpeed Ltd.

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