programming languages (etc) "web popularity" fun
SBrunning at
SBrunning at
Mon Nov 3 11:35:41 EST 2003
> From: Dang Griffith [SMTP:noemail at]
> On Sat, 01 Nov 2003 00:53:17 -0000, claird at (Cameron Laird)
> wrote:
> >Note, too, that the Python one hasn't been on the street
> >as long as some of the others. It's reasonable to specu-
> >late that the ratios haven't equilibrated yet.
> Not sure I understand your comment.
> Python predates Java.
He's talking about the 'Nutshell' book, rather than the language. 'Python in
a Nutshell' was published early this year, 'Java in a nutshell' in 1996.
Simon Brunning,
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