STrange error importing win32gui
Mark Hammond
mhammond at
Thu Nov 13 16:46:47 EST 2003
Jay O'Connor wrote:
> On 13 Nov 2003 00:42:06 -0800, tim.golden at (Tim
> Golden) wrote:
>>jjl at (John J. Lee) wrote in message news:<87fzgtfm8c.fsf at>...
>>>joconnor at (Jay O'Connor) writes:
>>>>I'm using Python 2.3 on windows and trying to use the win32 libs. I
>>>>keep getting the following error
>>>>>>>import win32gui
>>>>Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>> File "<pyshell#6>", line 1, in -toplevel-
>>>> import win32gui
>>>>ImportError: DLL load failed: A device attached to the system is not
>>>>I'm not sure what it means ot how to fix it. Any thoughts?
>>>Don't you just love those informative Windows error messages?
>>>I had that error message before (can't remember the circumstances),
>>>and never found out what the problem was. Had to work around it
>>>rather than fix it.
>>When I've had these errors, it's usually indicated
>>that -- at some point -- one of my network drives
>>has gone down, especially but not limited to the
>>one I'm hosting my python-site-packages directory
>>on. Forcing a reconnection to the drive
>>(ie net use /del followed by net use) seems to solve it,
>>even if the drive is by now up and running again.
> This is a standalone PC with only a dialup modem for connectivity.
> It's an old Win95 machine.
> Basically I want to do GUI progrmaming in Python on windows to expand
> my offerings as a programmer. I thuoght the win32 api would be good
> but I'm also considering wxPython now (I really don't like Tkinter)
> FWIW - I'm an unemployed software developer who likes programming in
> Python and Smalltalk if anyone needs a warm body.
I'm afraid that win32all no longer supports Win95 - that is the cause of
the error. Windows 98 or better works.
I realize this sucks, but at some stage I have to let go - and if it is
good enough for MS to call 95 "unsupported", it is good enough for me <wink>
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