
Michael Geary Mike at
Wed Nov 12 04:43:31 EST 2003

Thomas Heller:
> A google search for 'disable screensaver windows' turns up VB code,
> which easily translates into this Python code:
> -----
> import ctypes
> def StartScreenSaver(on):
>     ctypes.windll.user32.SystemParametersInfoA(
>                  SPI_SETSCREENSAVEACTIVE, on, None, 0)
> StartScreenSaver(1)
> -----
> Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work (for me, on XP. At least it has
> no visible effect).

Your StartScreenSaver() function should probably be called
EnableScreenSaver(). Call it with a 0 parameter to disable the screen saver,
or 1 to enable it.

The function won't have any immediate visible effect--it simply enables or
disables the screen saver, it doesn't start or stop it.

Try setting your screen saver timeout to one minute. Let the computer sit
for a minute to verify that the screen saver is working. Then call
EnableScreenSaver(0) to disable the screen saver, and let the computer sit
for a minute again to see if you've disabled it.


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