Problem with PyRun_SimpleFile and MFC Application

Susanne susi2000 at
Tue Nov 25 15:32:46 EST 2003


In have embedded python into my MFC application.
It works fine using the PyRun_SimpleString method, giving it a string with
some simple commands.

When i am using PyRun_SimpleFile instead, my application crashes.

I have also created a console application. There i also call PyRun_SimpleFile.
The console application executes the given script.

My code looks like the following:



>/* Initialize the Python interpreter.  Required. */


>curMode = DEBUG_MODE;

>//**** is running!!!!*****
>//CString command = "import CORBA; CORBA.SetTPData();";
>//CORBA is my python module, SetTPData a method of this modul
>//in SetTPData i open an AfxMessageBox, so thats why i know that
>//it works

>//path of my file
>char * filename2 = "C:\\cvsroot\\OCI-TestClient\\projects\\main\\tao\\";
>FILE *fp =fopen(filename2,"r");
int result;

>if(fp !=NULL)
>       //does not work :-( 
>	result = PyRun_SimpleFile(fp,filename2);
>       fclose(fp);


Now the code of the console application:

>/* Pass argv[0] to the Python interpreter */
>/* Initialize the Python interpreter.  Required. */

>//create instance of my class
>PythonExtension * pythi = new PythonExtension();

>//init my module (not the same module like in MFC app)

>char * filename2 = "C:\\cvsroot\\OCI-TestClient\\projects\\main\\tao\\";
>FILE *fp =fopen(filename2,"r");
>int result;

>//works fine, only says, that there is no modul called CORBA
>//see below
>result = PyRun_SimpleFile(fp,filename2);
>printf("Result: %d",result);

My python script file:

>import CORBA;



So, does anyone of you have an idea, what i am doing wrong in my mfc app?


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