Python syntax in Lisp and Scheme

David Mertz mertz at
Thu Oct 16 00:14:58 EDT 2003

|> Here's a quick rule that is pretty damn close to categorically true for
|> Python programming:  If you use more than five levels of indent, you are
|> coding badly.  Something is in desperate need of refactoring.

Pascal Bourguignon <spam at> wrote previously:
|Here is an histogram of the depths  of the top level sexps found in my
|emacs sources:
|((1 . 325) (2 . 329) (3 . 231) (4 . 163) (5 . 138) (6 . 158) (7 . 102)
| (8 . 94) (9 . 63) (10 . 40) (11 . 16) (12 . 20) (13 . 9) (14 . 4)
| (15 . 5) (16 . 4) (17 . 2) (19 . 2) (23 . 1))
|Am I depraved in writting code with depths down to 23?

As I've written lots of times in these threads, I haven't really used
Lisp.  In fact, I really only did my first programming in Scheme (for an
article on SSAX) in the last couple weeks; I know Scheme isn't Common
Lisp, no need to point that out again.  However, I -have- read a fair
number of snippets of Lisp code over the years, so my familiarity runs
slightly deeper than the couple weeks.

All that said, my gut feeling is that depth 23 is, indeed, ill-designed.
Even the more common occurrences of 12 or 13 levels seems like a lot
more than my brain can reason about.  I'm happy to stipulate that
Bourguignon is smarter than I am... but I'm still confident that I can
do this sort of thinking better than 95% of the people who might have to
READ his code.

And the purpose of code, after all, is to COMMUNICATE ideas:  firstly to
other people, and only secondly to machines.

|Ok, in Python, you may  have also expressions that will further deepen
|the tree,  but how can  you justify an artificial  segregation between
|indentation and sub-expressions?

Because it's Python!  There is a fundamental syntactic distinction
between statments and expressions, and statements introduce blocks
(inside suites, bare expressions can occur though--usually functions
called for their side effects).  It is the belief of the BDFL--and of
the large majority of programmers who use Python--that a syntactic
distinction between blocks with relative indention and experessions
that nest using parens and commas AIDS READABILITY.

I can say experientially, and from reading and talking to other
Pythonistas, that my brain does a little flip when it finishes
identifying a suite, then starts identifying the parts of an expression.
And conveniently, in Python, the sort of thinking I need to do when I
read or write the lines of a suite is a bit different than for the parts
of an expression.  Not just because I am deceived by the syntax, but
because the language really does arrange for a different sort of thing
to go on in statements versus expressions (obviously, there are SOME
overlaps and equivalences; but there's still a useful pattern to the

Still, for a real comparison of depth, I suppose I'd need to look at the
combined depth of indent+paren-nesting.  Even for that, well-designed
Python programs top out at 7 or 8, IMO.  Maybe something a little deeper
reasonably occurs occassionally, but the histogram would sure look
different from Pascal's ("Flat is better than nested").

Yours, David...

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