Express What, not How.
Raffael Cavallaro
raffaelcavallaro at
Tue Oct 14 20:41:28 EDT 2003
In article <pan.2003. at>,
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk <qrczak at> wrote:
> Sometimes a function is so simple that its body is more clear than any
> name. A name is an extra level of indirection. You must follow it to be
> 100% sure what the function means, or to understand what does it really
> mean that it does what it's named after.
Your argument is based on the assumption that whenever people express
_what_ a function does, they do so badly, with an inappropriate name.
We should choose our mode of expression based on how things work when
used correctly, not based on what might happen when used foolishly. We
don't write novels based on how they might be misread by the
Anonymous functions add no clarity except to our understaning of
_implementation_, i.e., _how_ not _what_. Higher level abstractions
should express _what_. Implementation details should remain separate,
both for clarity of exposition, and for maintanence and change of
> The code also gets longer
No, it gets shorter, because you don't repeat your use of the same
abstraction over and over. You define it once, then reference it by name
everywhere you use it.
> - not
> only more verbose but the structure of the code gets more complex with
> more interdependent parts.
No, there are _fewer_ interdependent parts, because the parts that
correspond to the anonymous function bodies are _completely gone_ from
the main exposition of what is happening. These formerly anonymous
function bodies are now elswhere, where they will only be consulted when
it is necessary to modify them.
You seem to take the view that client code can't trust the interfaces it
uses, that you have to see how things are implemented to make sure they
do what they represent to do.
This is a very counterproductive attitude. Code should provide high
level abstractions, and clients of this code should be able to tell what
it does just by looking at the interface, and maybe a line of
documentation. It shouldn't be necessary to understand the internals of
code one uses just to use it. And it certainly isn't necessary to
include the internals of code one uses where one is using it (i.e.,
anonymous functions). That's what named functions and macros are for.
Inlining should be done by compilers, not programmers.
Anonymous functions are a form of unnecessary information overload. If I
don't need to see how something works right here, in this particular
context, then don't put its implementation here. Just refer to it by
> When you have lots of short functions, it's
> harder to find them. There are many names to invent for the writer and
> many names to rememner for a reader.
Which is why names should be descriptive. Then, there's little to
remember. I don't need to remember what add-offset does, nor look up
it's definition, to understand its use in some client code. Anonymous
functions are sometimes used as a crutch by those who can't be bothered
to take the time to attend to the social and communicative aspects of
programming. Ditto for overly long function bodies. How to express
intent to human readers is just as important as getting the compiler to
do what you want. These same programmers seem enamored of
crack-smokingly short and cryptic identifier and function names, as if
typing 10 characters instead of 3 is the real bottleneck in modern
software development. (Don't these people know how to touch type?)
> Function headers are administrative
> stuff, it's harder to find real code among abstractions being introduced
> and used.
Seemingly to you, the only "real code" is low level implementation. In
any non-trivial software, however, the "real code" is the interplay of
high level abstractions. At each level, we craft a _what_ from some less
abstract _how_, and the _what_ we have just defined, is, in turn used as
part of the _how_ for an even higher level of abstraction or
> Why do you insist on naming *functions*? You could equally well say that
> every list should be named, so you would see its purpose rather than its
> contents.
I think this concept is called variable bindings ;^)
> Perhaps every number should be named, so you can see what it
> represents rather than its value.
Actually, they are _already_ named. The numerals we use _are_ names, not
numbers themselves. I'm surprised you aren't advocating the use of
Church Numerals for all numerical calculation.
> You could say that each statement of
> a compound statement should be moved to a separate function, so you can
> see what it does by its name, not how it does it by its contents. It's
> all equally absurd.
In the Smalltalk community the rule of thumb is that if a method body
gets to be more than a few lines, you've failed to break it down into
smaller abstractions (i.e., methods).
> A program should balance named and unnamed objects. Both are useful,
> there is a continuum between cases where one or the other is more clear
> and it's subjective in border cases, but there is place for unnamed
> functions - they are not that special. Most high level languages have
> anonymous functions for a reason.
Yes, but they should live inside the bodies of named functions. Not lie
exposed in the middle of higher level abstractions. Please also see my
reply to Joe Marshall/Prunesquallor a few posts up in this thread.
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