Python from Wise Guy's Viewpoint

Simon Helsen shelsen at
Thu Oct 23 11:58:24 EDT 2003

On Thu, 23 Oct 2003, Remi Vanicat wrote:

>> How does ocaml make sure that you don't get a message-not-understood
>> exception at runtime then?
>It make the verification when you call the test. I explain :
>you could define :
>let f x = x #foo
>which is a function taking an object x and calling its method
>foo, even if there is no class having such a method.
>When sometime latter you do a :
>f bar
>then, and only then the compiler verify that the bar object have a foo

you might want to mention that this is possible because of 'extensible
record types'. Well, there is a good chance the pyhton/lisp community will
not understand this, but it illustrates that a lot of the arguments
(probably on both sides in fact) are based on ignorance.

One more thing I remembered from a heavy cross-group fight between
comp.lang.smalltalk and c.l.f. quite a while ago, is that so-called
'dynamically typed' languages are useful because they allow you to
incrementally develop ill-typed programs into better-typed programs (the
XP-way), where the ill-typed programs already (partially) work. OTOH, with
a static type system, you have to think more in advance to get the types
right. XP-people consider this a hindrance and that is what people mean
with 'the type system getting the way'. With a Haskell-style or even
Ocaml-style type system, you cannot seriously argue that you can write a
program which cannot be easily(!) converted into one that fits such type
systems. By program, I mean 'a finished production-reade piece of
software', not a 'snapshot' in the development cycle.

The arguments from the smalltalk people are arguably defendable and this
is why this kind of discussion will pop up again and again. Using either
static or dynamic (Blume: untyped) type systems is not the point at all.
What actually matters is your development style/phylosophy and this is
more an issue of software engineering really.

Ok, I am phasing out again.



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