PEP 289: Generator Expressions (please comment)

Daniel Dittmar daniel at
Tue Oct 28 15:04:24 EST 2003

Alex Martelli wrote:
> reasonable to form the working hypothesis that you LIKE perl syntax,
> rather than being engaged in sarcasm against your own proposals (which
> is a form of split personality one rarely comes upon).

I don't like list comprehension when compared to Smalltalk code blocks, 
so I was really looking for a way to keep any additional 'comprehension' 
variants limited to one syntax rule. But it seems as if the current 
trend in Python is toward succinctness. To paraphrase one poster: 'It is 
documented, therefor it is explicit'. I try to keep quiet, enjoy the 
parts of Python I like and wait for the tide to turn.


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