Python from Wise Guy's Viewpoint
Fergus Henderson
fjh at
Wed Oct 29 11:24:22 EST 2003
Pascal Costanza <costanza at> writes:
>Fergus Henderson wrote:
>>Pascal Costanza <costanza at> writes:
>>>Fergus Henderson wrote:
>>>>Pascal Costanza <costanza at> writes:
>>>Furthermore, if I remember correctly, dynamically compiled systems use
>>>type inferencing at runtime to reduce the number of type checks.
>> In cases such as the one described above, they may reduce the number of
>> times that the type of the _collection_ is checked, but they won't be
>> able to avoid checking the element type at every element access.
>Why? If the collection happens to contain only elements of a single type
>(or this type at most), you only need to check write accesses if they
>violate this condition. As long as they don't, you don't need to check
>read accesses.
So which, if any, implementations of dynamic languages actually perform such
Fergus Henderson <fjh at> | "I have always known that the pursuit
The University of Melbourne | of excellence is a lethal habit"
WWW: <> | -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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