Unittest - How do I code lots of simple tests

David Goodger goodger at python.org
Tue Oct 21 19:06:33 EDT 2003

Paul Moore wrote:
 >>> Can anyone suggest a more reasonable way of running this sort of
 >>> table-driven test via unittest?

Take a look at Docutils' test/DocutilsTestSupport.py for ideas.  The
CustomTestSuite and CustomTestCase classes provide support for named
data-driven tests.  Most of Docutils' tests are data-driven.

Ian Bicking wrote:
 > unittest is not written with subclassing in mind, except for the
 > limited subclassing that is documented.  (And it uses
 > double-underscore variables, like it's just *trying* to piss me off!
 > Double-underscore variables are so arrogant and patronizing.

All very true.  Double-underscores ought to be banned from the
standard library.  They inevitably get in the way because no matter
how well a class is written, somebody is going to want to subclass it
in a way the original author never considered.

David Goodger    http://starship.python.net/~goodger
For hire: http://starship.python.net/~goodger/cv
Docutils: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/
(includes reStructuredText: http://docutils.sf.net/rst.html)

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