Python syntax in Lisp and Scheme

Pascal Bourguignon spam at
Tue Oct 7 23:33:44 EDT 2003

prunesquallor at writes:
> Excerpts from real C header files:
> #define FromHex(n) (((n) >= 'A') ? ((n) + 10 - 'A') : ((n) - '0'))
> #define StreamFromFOURCC(fcc) ((WORD) ((FromHex(LOBYTE(LOWORD(fcc))) << 4) + (FromHex(HIBYTE(LOWORD(fcc))))))
> #define ToHex(n) ((BYTE) (((n) > 9) ? ((n) - 10 + 'A') : ((n) + '0')))
> #define MAKEAVICKID(tcc,stream)  MAKELONG((ToHex((stream) & 0x0f) << 8) | (ToHex(((stream) & 0xf0) >> 4)),tcc)
> #define va_arg(AP, TYPE)      \
>  (AP = (__gnuc_va_list) ((char *) (AP) + __va_rounded_size (TYPE)), \
>   *((TYPE *) (void *) ((char *) (AP)     \
>          - ((sizeof (TYPE) < __va_rounded_size (char) \
>       ? sizeof (TYPE) : __va_rounded_size (TYPE))))))
> #define PLAUSIBLE_BLOCK_START_P(addr, offset)    \
> ((*((format_word *)       \
>     (((char *) (addr)) + ((offset) - (sizeof (format_word)))))) == \
>    ((BYTE_OFFSET_TO_OFFSET_WORD(offset))))


However, taking sources written by  the same programmer (me), at about
the same  period, I get  thrice or twice  as many parenthesis  in Lisp
than in C:

-------    -----    -----  ------------------------------------
(-paren    loc      (/lin  Language
-------    -----    -----  ------------------------------------
    160 /    627 =  0.255  COBOL sources.
   6697 /  18968 =  0.353  C  sources (.h + .c)
    327 /    825 =  0.396  Java sources.
   9071 /  18968 =  0.478  C  sources, counting both ( and {
     15 /     31 =  0.484  FORTRAN-IV (I've got only one toy program).
  15224 /  29990 =  0.508  Modula-2 sources (* comments! *).
  14754 /  13890 =  1.062  Lisp sources.
-------    -----    -----  ------------------------------------

That's not much more...

for f in *.{h,c,lisp} ; do printf "%6d " $( sed -e 's/[^(]//g'<$f|tr -d '\012'|wc -c ) ; wc $f ; done|awk '{p=$1;l=$2;w=$3;c=$4;n=$5;printf "%6d / %6d = %6.3f %s\n",p,l,p/l,n;pt+=p;lt+=l;}END{printf "%6d / %6d = %6.3f %s\n",pt,lt,pt/lt,"Total";}'

Do not adjust your mind, there is a fault in reality.

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