regarding threading
akash shetty
akashp_shetty at
Tue Oct 14 05:24:39 EDT 2003
im developing a code which requires searching a large
database(bioological) for certain patterns.the size of
the file is 3.5GB . the search pattern is a ten letter
string.the database consists of paragraphs.
the code ive developed searches the data
(using xreadlines).
but this takes an awful amt of time.(abt 7 mins)
is there anyway to speed this up.
is use of threading feasible and what code do i
thread( since all i do is process the database).there
are no other concurrent tasks. so do i divide the
database into parts and multithread the searching on
these parts concurrently. is this feasible. or shud i
be using some kind of multiprocessing running the
parts(files) as diff processes.
please help.
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