Car and cdr (Re: Python syntax in Lisp and Scheme)

Pascal Costanza costanza at
Mon Oct 13 05:21:48 EDT 2003

Rayiner Hashem wrote:
>> From that point of view, "car" and "cdr" are as good
>>as anything!
> Well, if you're going to call the thing a 'cons' you might as well go
> all the way and use 'car' and 'cdr' as operators. A little flavor is
> nice, although I think that "4th" would be easier to read than
> "cadddr"...

...but cadddr might not be "fourth". It might be some leaf in a tree. Or 
something completely different. "fourth" doesn't always make sense.

(And just for the sake of completeness, Common Lisp does have FOURTH and 
also (NTH 3 ...).)


Pascal Costanza               University of Bonn
mailto:costanza at        Institute of Computer Science III  Römerstr. 164, D-53117 Bonn (Germany)

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