Why don't people like lisp?

Luke Gorrie luke at bluetail.com
Sun Oct 19 11:22:17 EDT 2003

Pascal Costanza <costanza at web.de> writes:

> Apparently, Paul Graham doesn't like CLOS nor the LOOP macro. Here is
> another verson in Common Lisp (and this is not a dream language ;):
> (defmethod mostn (fn (list (eql nil)))
>    (declare (ignore fn list))
>    (values nil nil))
> (defmethod mostn (fn list)
>    (loop with result = (list (car list))
>          with max = (funcall fn (car list))
>          for object in (cdr list)
>          for score = (funcall fn object)
>          when (> score max) do (setq max score
>                                      result (list object))
>          when (= score max) do (push object result)
>          finally return (values (nreverse result) max)))

C'mon guys, live a little,

  (defun mostn (fn list)
    (let ((max (apply #'max (mapcar fn list))))
      (values (remove max list :test-not #'= :key fn) max)))


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