Python syntax in Lisp and Scheme
Marco Antoniotti
marcoxa at
Wed Oct 8 17:37:24 EDT 2003
On Wednesday, Oct 8, 2003, at 17:17 America/New_York, David Mertz,
Ph.D. wrote:
> |realized by CLOS and Dylan), and you also do not have the opportunity
> |to CALL-NEXT-METHOD within a method definition
> You mean something like
> Listing 8. Programming with manual propagation
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> def do_between(x, dispatch):
> print "do some initial stuff"
> val = dispatch.next_method() # return simple value of up-call
> print "do some followup stuff"
> return "My return value"
> foo = Foo()
> import multimethods
> multi = multimethods.Dispatch()
> multi.add_dispatchable((Foo,), do_between)
> multi.with_dispatch(foo)
> # Or: multi(foo, multi)
> (from the article)?
Yes. I was just about to write back to you to to admit to that. Yet
again, you do have to pass around the 'dispatch' object explicitly.
Marco Antoniotti
Marco Antoniotti
NYU Courant Bioinformatics Group tel. +1 - 212 - 998 3488
715 Broadway 10th FL fax. +1 - 212 - 998 3484
New York, NY, 10003, U.S.A.
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