Confusing performance results for prime
Patrick Ellis
pellis.nospam at
Sun Oct 19 01:43:50 EDT 2003
"Greg Brunet" <gregbrunet at> wrote in message
news:vp3liuqs76bd5a at
> Thanks for the responses! After some more testing based on the
> responses I got, here's some additional notes:
> <snipped the notes>
Here are some functions from an earlier discusion. Note that 1 and 2
are faster, but more memory intensive. They create a list (or array)
of all odd numbers and weed out the non-primes. 3 and 1ix only
create the primes, saving a lot of space.
from __future__ import generators
import Numeric
import math
import sys
import time
# Basically, Tim Peter's version of sieve.
def sieve1(n):
if n < 2:
return []
limit = int(math.sqrt(n))
primes = range(1, n+1, 2)
primes[0] = 0
n = len(primes)
for p in primes:
if not p: continue
if p > limit: break
# note that p*p is odd, so no need to subtract 1
# before shifting right -- same thing in the end
for i in xrange((p*p)>>1, n, p):
primes[i] = 0
primes[0] = 2
return filter(None, primes)
# The same as sieve1, but modified by me to use numeric for more speed.
def sieve2(n):
if n < 2:
return []
primes = Numeric.arrayrange(1, n+1, 2)
limit = (int(math.sqrt(n)) / 2) + 1
for p in primes[1:limit]:
if p:
# note that p*p is odd, so no need to subtract 1
# before shifting right -- same thing in the end
primes[(p*p)>>1::p] = 0
return list(Numeric.nonzero(primes))
# Not sure where this came from, but I am sure I didn't write it. This is
# a generator, the function is below.
def sieve3gen(maximum):
"Generate all primes <= maximum."
if maximum >= 2:
yield 2
if maximum >= 3:
yield 3
# candidate takes on all integer values > 3 that aren't divisible by
# 2 or 3.
candidate = 5
delta = 2 # flips between 2 and 4
# Map i to (d, 6*p), where d is 2*p or 4*p, p is a prime dividing i,
# and i+d is the next multiple of p larger than i not divisible by
# 2 or 3. As the algorithm proceeds, f will contain one entry for
# each prime <= sqrt(maximum) discovered so far (excepting 2 and 3).
f = {}
fetch = f.pop
adding = candidate**2 <= maximum
while candidate <= maximum:
if candidate in f:
d, s = fetch(candidate)
# candidate + d is next multiple of s/6 that isn't divisible
# by 2 or 3
i = candidate + d
d = s-d
while i in f:
i += d
d = s-d
f[i] = d, s
yield candidate
if adding:
sq = candidate**2
f[sq] = delta * candidate, 6 * candidate
adding = sq <= maximum
candidate += delta
delta = 6 - delta
# Convert the generator into a function that matches the others.
def sieve3(n):
return [i for i in sieve3gen(n)]
# One of the algorithms from this thread, for comparison.
# test using list of primes - w/ int typecast and xrange
# (to see if xrange is faster - no noticable difference)
def Primes1ix(y):
primes = [3]
for p in xrange(5, y, 2):
limit = int(math.sqrt(p))
for factor in primes:
if factor > limit: # then number is prime
elif p % factor == 0: # then it's *not* prime
return [2] + primes
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
n = int(sys.argv[1])
times = []
primes = []
for pfun in (sieve1, sieve2, sieve3, Primes1ix):
tb = time.time()
p = pfun(n)
dt = time.time() - tb
fastest = min(times)
print 'Prime number algorithms/optimizations - up to:', n
if (fastest==0):
print '*** Percentages are invalid (fastest time is 0) ***'
fastest = .01
for i, pfun in enumerate((sieve1, sieve2, sieve3, Primes1ix)):
print '%s: %s primes up to %s in %5.3f secs (+%3.1f%%)' % (
pfun.__name__, primes[i], n, times[i],
Prime number algorithms/optimizations - up to: 1000000
sieve1: 78498 primes up to 1000000 in 0.593 secs (+99.7%)
sieve2: 78498 primes up to 1000000 in 0.297 secs (+0.0%)
sieve3: 78498 primes up to 1000000 in 1.078 secs (+263.0%)
Primes1ix: 78498 primes up to 1000000 in 10.438 secs (+3414.5%)
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