Hex to int conversion error

Batista, Facundo FBatista at uniFON.com.ar
Mon Oct 27 11:30:54 EST 2003

Adam Ritter wrote:

#- When I try to convert an 8 digit hex number to an integer, I get a 
#- ValueError.  Why doesn't it convert back correctly?  I have 
#- the string 
#- '0xdeadbeaf' stored in a textbox and I would like it's 
#- integer value.  I 
#- would convert it to a long, but I need to pack it to send as 
#- a 4 byte 
#- integer through a socket to a C program.  Any ideas?
#- >>>int(0xdeadbeaf)
#- -559038801
#- >>>int(hex(int(0xdeadbeaf)) ,16)
#- Traceback (most recent call last):
#-    File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
#- ValueError: int() literal too large: 0xdeadbeaf

Divide and conquer:

>>> a = int(0xdeadbeaf)
>>> a
>>> b = hex(a)
>>> b
>>> b[2:]
>>> int(b[2:], 16)

Take note of the signs, and read the following warning:

__main__:1: FutureWarning: hex()/oct() of negative int will return a signed
string in Python 2.4 and up

.	Facundo

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Muchas Gracias.
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