MacPython BuildApplication Typo?

Gregor palam_POOP_edes at
Thu Oct 16 21:33:03 EDT 2003

When I drop a script on the BuildApplication tool, I get an error. It 
looks like there's a typo in, but after fixing the 
typo, I still get the same error. I guess the tool has its own compiled 
version of the file or something...?

The error is:


File "Plataea:MacPython-OS9", line 
75, in buildapplication

dstfilename = EasyDialogs.AskFileForSate(message='Save application as:',

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'AskFileForSate'


I changed the line in the named file to read AskFileForSave, but 
BuildApplication still thinks it says AskFileForSate... Anyone know how 
to fix this?



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