*-unpacking (Re: Fun with fancy slicing)

David C. Fox davidcfox at post.harvard.edu
Fri Oct 3 00:49:45 EDT 2003

Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de) wrote:
> Alex Martelli wrote:
>> How sweet it would be to be able to unpack by coding:
>>     head, *tail = alist
> Indeed! I came across another use case for this
> recently, as well. I was trying to parse some
> command strings of the form
>    command arg arg ...
> where some commands had args and some didn't.
> I wanted to split the command off the front
> and keep the args for later processing once
> I'd decoded the command. My first attempt
> went something like
>   command, args = cmdstring.split(" ", maxsplit = 1)
> but this fails when there are no arguments,
> because the returned list has only one element
> in that case.
> It would have been very nice to be able to
> simply say
>   command, *args = cmdstring.split()
> and get the command as a string and a
> list of 0 or more argument strings.
> I really ought to write a PEP about this...

In the mean time, it isn't too hard to write a function which does this:

     def first_rest(x):
         return x[0], x[1:]

     command, args = first_rest(cmdstring.split())

or, in one step

     def chop_word(s):
         return first_rest(s.split())

     command, args = chop_word(cmdstring)


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