Global namespace (was Re: python libs v lisp coolness?
Christophe Rhodes
csr21 at
Wed Oct 29 11:28:22 EST 2003
Ville Vainio <ville.spammehardvainio at> writes:
> Paolo Amoroso <amoroso at> writes:
>> The lack of Lisp libraries is being addressed.
> Are they also going to address the lack of modules? The way I've seen
> Lisp used, everything is dumped into a global namespace (even
> "methods" in CLOS). I shudder at the thought of using Python where all
> the names from various modules would be in the global namespace.
> in Python you can do:
> import os
> files = os.listdir("/root")
Knowing no python, I believe the Common Lisp equivalent of this is
(cl:defpackage "MY-APP" (:use "CL"))
(cl:in-package "MY-APP")
(os:listdir "/root")
Optionally, if one wishes to import an interface wholesale and use it
without qualification, one may USE-PACKAGE a package, for example:
(cl:defpackage ("MY-OTHER-APP") (:use "CL" "OS"))
(cl:in-package "MY-OTHER-APP")
(listdir "/root")
[ this is written for maximum paranoia; usually you wouldn't see the
cl: prefixes on defpackage and in-package. ]
Ancient code is typically less careful about stomping over the global
namespace; if you see (in-package "CL-USER") anywhere, reeducate the
maintainer of the code :-)
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(set-pprint-dispatch 'number (lambda (s o) (declare (special b)) (format s b)))
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