Python syntax in Lisp and Scheme

Kenny Tilton ktilton at
Thu Oct 9 13:53:47 EDT 2003

Alex Martelli wrote:
> ... I do believe that the
> divergence problem has more to do with human nature and sociology, and 
> that putting in a language features that encourage groups and subgroups 
> of users to diverge that language ....

Can someone write a nifty Python hack to figure out how many times 
Lispniks have tried to get Alex to explain how macros are any different 
than high-order functions or new classes when it comes to The Divergence 
Problem? I love that we have given it a name, by the way.

One popular macro is WITH-OUTPUT-TO-FILE. My budding RoboCup starter kit 
was a vital WITH-STD-ATTEMPT macro. Oh god, no! I need to see the ANSI 
Lisp commands for these things so I can really understand them. Better 

why not the disassembly? preferably without meaningful symbols from the 
HLL source. I think we are finally getting somewhere with TDP. Those 
high order classes, functions, and macros keep me from seeing what is 
really going on. Now if I could only see the microcode....



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