Webware vs. PHP - performance comparision!!!

JZ jroznfgre at jngpugbjreXEBCXNbet.cy
Mon Oct 6 16:10:17 EDT 2003

On 6 Oct 2003 09:29:59 -0700, llothar at web.de (Lothar Scholz) wrote:

>> >To test *Python's* speed vs. PHP, you'd have to use mod_python -- it's
>> >the only Python *environment* that is equivalent to PHP 
>> I am using mod_webkit.dll which is even faster than mod_python
>> http://webware.sourceforge.net/Webware-0.8.1/WebKit/Docs/InstallGuide.html#mod-python
>Then you don't understand the differnce between an application server
>like webware and mod_python/mod_php as a CGI.
>Ian was talking about handling requests as a CGI.

I understand the difference. I am not interested in CGI because of its
poor performance. You do not understand the difference. CGI is the
word used for external executed scripts. mod_python, mod_php or
mord_perl are modules of Apache. They are loaded and stay in the
memory all the time. They are not CGI nor FCGI. 

I compared mod_php with mod_webware although the second one is
executed through socket 8086. But mod_webkit adapter is the fastest
way for Webware. It is faster than mod_python. 

JZ ICQ:6712522

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