Python syntax in Lisp and Scheme

Rayiner Hashem gtg990h at
Fri Oct 17 23:42:23 EDT 2003

> Obviously, you haven't tried to actually program in Lisp. Getting used
> to the syntax is a matter of one or two weeks at most of actual coding,
> provided you use a decent editor that supports parenthesis highlighting
> and automatic indentation.
I'd have to concur with this one. Parenthesized-prefix syntax is rather
pretty. What I like is the flexibility in code layout. Ex:

(defun foo (x)
        ...long function definition here...)


int foo(int x) 
        ...long function definition here...

Are equally natural in their respective syntaxes. However, if you have a
short, simple function:

(defun foo (x) (+ x 2)) 

is still perfectly natural, while:

int foo(int x) { return x + 2; }

looks a little weird. Most people would write the above similarly to the
first example, which makes it much longer. Block-structured languages in
general tend to suffer from this problem.

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