type checking
Stephen Horne
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ at $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.co.uk
Mon Oct 13 06:23:09 EDT 2003
On 13 Oct 2003 00:50:18 -0700, pythonguy at Hotpop.com (Anand Pillai)
>I consider Python as high-level psuedo-code. It helps me in
>programming, since you dont make mistakes while writing
>psuedo-code. So it follows by induction that you dont make
>these mistakes like static type errors while programming python.
>It is a different approach, by altering your thinking, rather
>than relying on tools. Works for me ;-)
While I agree that most likely sashan needs a change of mindset rather
than a language with static typing, this is an unrealistically
impressive claim.
There is no context where I do not sometimes make mistakes, including
Of course errors do tend to be much rarer in Python, mainly because I
am concentrating on the program logic, rather than being distracted by
the overheads of the language.
Steve Horne
steve at ninereeds dot fsnet dot co dot uk
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