Problems with conversion of values in strings to integers
Bengt Richter
bokr at
Wed Oct 8 17:29:06 EDT 2003
On Mon, 06 Oct 2003 14:06:26 +0200, Peter Otten <__peter__ at> wrote:
>Jørgen Cederberg wrote:
>> Hi,
>> using Python 2.2.1 on Windows and QNX I'm having trouble understandig
>> why int() raises a ValueError exception upon converting strings.
>> >>> int('-10')
>> -10
>> >>> int('10')
>> 10
>> >>> int(10.1)
>> 10
>> >>> int('10.1')
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>> File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>> ValueError: invalid literal for int(): 10.1
>> This is quite frustating. The only solution I can see is to do:
>> >>> int(float('10.1'))
>> 10
>> Is this the only solution or are there any other way to do this?
>There is more than one way to convert a string representing a fp number to
>an integer:
Indeed, but what if the OP wants something like C's atoi? E.g.,
(playing with MinGW and MSYS -- pretty neat, BTW ;-)
[14:35] /c/pywk/clp/atoi>cat pratoi.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
printf("Usage: pratoi strings ...\n");
} else {
int i;
char sbuf[32];
printf("%8s => %d\n", sbuf, atoi(argv[i]));
return 0;
[14:35] /c/pywk/clp/atoi>gcc pratoi.c -o pratoi
[14:35] /c/pywk/clp/atoi>pratoi 0 1 -1 +1 123 4.5 -5.6 -1.2e3 0x11 011 " -3xx" " -xx"
'0' => 0
'1' => 1
'-1' => -1
'+1' => 1
'123' => 123
'4.5' => 4
'-5.6' => -5
'-1.2e3' => -1
'0x11' => 0
'011' => 11
' -3xx' => -3
' -xx' => 0
Note the 'way different result on -1.2e3 in particular. Also does the OP want to ignor
octal and hex or reject them?
atoi looks like it just strips leading spaces, takes and optional sign, and computes
a decimal from as many decimal digits as it can then find (including none as ok).
I'll leave that as an exercise for python ;-)
>>>> int(float("1.999"))
>>>> int(round(float("1.999")))
>I think it's good that Python does not make the decision for you. Once you
>have decided which route to go you can easily wrap it into a helper
>function, e. g.
>def toInt(s):
> try:
> return int(s)
> except ValueError:
> return int(round(float(s)))
>(When dealing with user input, things are a little more complicated, as the
>decimal separator changes between locales)
There's that too ;-)
Bengt Richter
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