PythonWin gurus - PyCDC.DrawText() help - bad doc?

Conrad cwren1 at cfl!
Fri Oct 24 14:30:23 EDT 2003

On Fri, 24 Oct 2003 16:54:38 +0000, Conrad wrote:

> Greetings,
> I have some simple printing I need to do from Python
> on Windows, so I opted for the excellent PyCDC methods.
> I got stumped when I realized that I actually needed
> something other than left-justified printing for this
> project. PyCDC.DrawText appears to offer what I need,
> but the doc at:
> says:
> _________________________
> PyCDC.DrawText
> s,rc,forat = DrawText()
> Formats text in the given rectangle
> Return Value
> Height of text in pixels
> _________________________

OK, problem solved, (I think). I would like to suggest
the following PythonWin doc change:



 n = DrawText(s,rect,format)

Formats text in the given rectangle.


 s:   The desired output string

 rect: The bounding rectangle in the form:
       (left, top, right, bottom)
       expressed in logical units
       (depending on selected coordinate 
        system - see PyCDC.SetMapMode )

 format: specifies one or more bit-or'd
         format values, such as:
         DT_BOTTOM i
         DT_VCENTER, etc.
         for a complete list, see ????? ( check this!)

 Return Value:

 n : Height of text in pixels (logical??? check this!)


import win32ui
import win32con

INCH = 1440   # twips - 1440 per inch allows fine res

def drawtext_test():

    dc = win32ui.CreateDC()
    dc.CreatePrinterDC()                # ties to default printer
    dc.StartDoc('My Python Document')

            # note: upper left is 0,0 with x increasing to the right,
            #       and y decreasing (negative) moving down

            # Centers "TEST" about an inch down on page
    dc.DrawText('TEST', (0,INCH*-1,INCH*8,INCH*-2), win32con.DT_CENTER )

    del dc



I don't normally reply to myself, but my wife
says I don't do anything normal, and besides,
I talk to myself, so this should be OK.

Hope this helps someone, and I'd still like to
know who the PythonWin doc maintainer(s) is/are
so I can pass this on. Anybody?




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