negative numbers and integer division
Tim Peters at
Fri Oct 3 15:09:38 EDT 2003
[Matthew Wilson]
> I just discovered this:
> >>> -1 // 12
> -1
> >>> 1 // 12
> 0
> >>>
> I thought that -1 // 12 would be 0 also.
Nope, integer division in Python always returns the floor. After
q, r = divmod(x, y)
then all these are true (barring pathological input cases, like y=0):
x == q*y + r
q == x // y
r == x % y
(r >= 0) == (y > 0)
(r <= 0) == (y < 0)
In English, the last two mean that the remainder has the same sign as the
divisor. The only way to arrange for that to be true, while also preserving
that x == q*y + r, is for x//y to return the floor.
> I'm writing a simple monthly date class and i need (-1,2001) to be
> translated to (11,2000). Any ideas?
Not really, but because the intended connection between (-1, 2001) and (11,
2000) escapes me. That is, I have no idea how to generalize that. For
example, is (0, 2001) OK as-is, or should that become (12, 2000), or ...?
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