print is not a function

Bengt Richter bokr at
Thu Oct 9 06:42:55 EDT 2003

On Wed, 08 Oct 2003 11:32:20 +0200, Karl Scalet <news at> wrote:

>quite often there is a need to just print out the items of a list.

>[ prt(x) for x in my_list ]
>that would be nice, except prt() does not exist, and print is a
>statement not a function, hence cannot replace prt as of above.
>I don't like to write d
>def prt(x):
>     print x
>beforehand and any lambda construct would not be so handy.
>It should be a short one-liner.
>Any ideas?

what's wrong with the straightforward suggestion elsewhere in the thread? I.e.,

    for x in my_list: print x

Unless you don't like the many calls to sys.stdout.write that are generated
by that for loop. You can make it into a single write with


But if all your pieces already have newlines, or you just want to concatenate strings
to stdout, note:

 >>> import sys
 >>> help(sys.stdout.writelines)
 Help on built-in function writelines:

     writelines(sequence_of_strings) -> None.  Write the strings to the file.

     Note that newlines are not added.  The sequence can be any iterable object
     producing strings. This is equivalent to calling write() for each string.
 >>> sys.stdout.writelines(['<<=starts here,\n','and this is 2nd line\n',
 ... '3rd - no ending newline:', '<<-missing new line\n',
 ... 'last line\n'])
 <<=starts here,
 and this is 2nd line
 3rd - no ending newline:<<-missing new line
 last line

Bengt Richter

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