Clueless: piping between 2 non-python processes

Donn Cave donn at
Sun Oct 26 23:19:40 EST 2003

Quoth Andrew Bennetts <andrew-pythonlist at>:
| On Sun, Oct 26, 2003 at 07:44:27PM -0000, Donn Cave wrote:
|> [... re deadlock potential in 2 way piping ]
|>| If buffering is a problem, the processes comminicating via pipes are welcome
|>| to call fflush() or change their I/O library's buffer settings as needed.
|>| This isn't significantly different to the problems you can encounter with
|>| TCP sockets, unless I'm misunderstanding you.
|> The reason it's a common problem is that it normally works through
|> the standard UNIX in/out/err system, which is predicated on disk files
|> or a simple producer/consumer pipe line.  That assumption is reflected
|> in how the applications behave, and it's relatively unusual to be able
|> to do anything about that.
| I'm not sure what you mean... is it "applications that aren't designed for 2
| way piping don't handle it reliably"?

Pretty much.  Normally optimal behavior is bad for 2-way pipes.

	Donn Cave, donn at

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