teaching programming to children
Lee Doolan
leed_25 at lycos.com
Thu Oct 16 18:24:22 EDT 2003
>>>>> "andy" == andy <andy at post.tau.ac.il> writes:
andy> A young friend of me (12 years old) has asked me to teach
andy> him programming (after I shortly described my programming
andy> job as telling the computer what to do and not the other way
andy> arround). I choose python because I personally like it but I
andy> was wondering to what extent is it appropriate for this
andy> task.
andy> a) Its interpreter is very nice but it hides some basic
andy> truths about computers. Namely, the need to compile and the
andy> differences between the languages of humans and languages of
andy> computers.
andy> b) Most simple tasks can be achieved so easily that "there's
andy> nothing to learn". What do you think would be our first
andy> programming assignments? And what language constructs should
andy> we start with?
andy> c) Should we run to "cool" things (GUI, networking, other
andy> proposals?) or should we first make a good hold of
andy> "algorithms" (which in my opinion is at the heart of
andy> programming).
andy> I would be gratefull if people who had a similar experience
andy> would told me about it. Or if someone could refer me to
andy> sources and articles.
andy> thanks...
andy> ----------------------------------------------------------------
andy> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging
andy> Program.
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