wxPython and macros (was: Why don't people like lisp?

Anthony Briggs abriggs at westnet.com.au
Mon Oct 27 07:16:43 EST 2003

At 3:10 AM -0800 27/10/03, Tayss wrote:
>mike420 at ziplip.com wrote:
>>  Why do you need a macro for that? Why don't you just write
>  > def start_window(name) :               # 1
>  >     app = wxPySimpleApp()              # 2
>  >     frame = MainWindow(None, -1, name) # 3
>>      frame.Show(True)                   # 4
>>      app.MainLoop()                     # 5
>  >     return (app, frame)                # 6
>Notice in #1, you used a string ("name") as the parameter.  But that's
>weird, you'd rather have all of line #3 as the param, not just the
>little string part of it.  So why can't you do that?

Why don't you do something like this?

def start_window(appfunction, framefunction) :    # 1
     exec("app = "+appfunction)                    # 2
     exec("frame = "+framefunction)                # 3
     frame.Show(True)                              # 4
     app.MainLoop()                                # 5
     return (app, frame)                           # 6

start_window( "wxPySimpleApp()", "MainWindow(None, -1, name)")  # 7

HyPEraCtiVE? HeY, WhO aRE YoU cALliNg HypERaCtIve?!
aBRiGgS at wEStNeT.cOm.aU

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