Python from Wise Guy's Viewpoint

Mario S. Mommer m_mommer at
Wed Oct 29 09:37:25 EST 2003

Matthias Blume <find at my.address.elsewhere> writes:
> Matthew Danish <mdanish at> writes:
> > Declarations can take this further, such that a compiler as smart as
> > CMUCL can manipulate raw (unsigned-byte 32) values, for example.
> Oh, so you're saying you want static declarations, checked and
> enforced by the compiler?  Hmm, I've read this point of view in this
> thread somewhere.

The point is that you can use static typing when you want. It doesn't
stand in the way when you don't need it, which is most of the time.

> > Are the vast majority of your programs the type which behave properly
> > within machine-word integers?
> > > idea that the only correct result of 20 * 30 has to be 600.)
> > 
> > (20 * 30) mod 256 is, of course, a completely different expression.
> Undoubtedly, it is a different expression.  But it might mean the
> same, given a correspondingly chosen domain for 20 and 30, together
> with an certain * operation.

Indeed. It could well be 42. Or 3.141592. Or maybe "hum". Who knows,
who knows.

Just change the type declarations and - violĂ ! - popcorn.

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