win32all problem with win32pdh.EnumObjectItems under win2K

Steve Zatz slzatz at
Sat Oct 25 10:53:34 EDT 2003

I understand that there was a problem with win32pdh.EnumObjectItems under
Windows XP but that recent versions of win32all corrected the problem.  I
installed win32all build 156 (Python 2.2.3) and EnumObjectItems does indeed
work fine under XP but build 156 does not appear to work under Windows 2000
(Service Pack 4).  Below is the Traceback:

>>> win32pdh.EnumObjectItems(None,None,"Process", -1)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
error: (-1073738824, 'EnumObjectItems for buffer size', 'No error message is

Any advice would be appreciated.

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