IEEE COSST Symposium
James F. Lu - Publicity Chair
holiver at
Mon Oct 6 03:08:30 EDT 2003
Coast Open Source Software Technology (COSST) Symposium
IEEE Computer Society - Orange County Chapter
WHAT: Applying Open Source Web Technologies COSST Symposium
WHEN: Saturday Oct. 18. 9am-6pm
WHERE: Jazz Semiconductor auditorium, Conexant Systems
Our technical focus will be on using LAMP and Java open-source technologies.
The LAMP acronym is used to describe a typical open-source platform "stack"
for web applications:
* Linux operating system
* Apache web server
* MySQL/PostgreSQL databases
* Perl/PHP/Python languages
The symposium will open with foundation talks providing an overview of
open-source software and Linux as an open-source web application platform. A
series of application-tier talks will provide insight from the point of view
of widely used web application development languages: Perl, PHP, Python, and
Java. The final session will be an experience panel, which will provide an
opportunity for experience reports from actual development projects to
illustrate real-life problems and opportunities of OSS.
Target Audience
The target audience for the symposium is professional software engineers and
technical management. The audience is expected to have a diverse background
involving many operating systems and languages, with experience in software
system development for a variety of industrial, military and commercial
purposes. Attendees will include experienced professionals who have had
little or no exposure with open-source software and are looking for a good
Symposium Goals
The goal of the symposium is to provide participants with a high-level,
technically sophisticated overview of major open source software (OSS)
technologies for
web application development. The symposium will provide information about
technology, resources, and supporting tools and processes of the OSS
community. The attendee will take away from the symposium a basic
understanding of the available technologies, information about how to
acquire and learn more about the various packages, and insight that will
enable them to make informed decisions about using and deploying specific
OSS technology in web applications.
The technical sessions will address:
* overview - what is it, what does it do, what problems does it solve
* key features - description of key features with short examples
* application examples - a few simple examples of doing something useful or
where/how to apply the technology
* applicability - when should you use it? [or when not!]
* resources - where to get it, who maintains it, where
to find help, documentation, assistance, mailing lists
9:00 Symposium Welcome
9:10 Introduction to open-source software
Walt Scacchi
Sr Research Scientist. UCI Institute of Software Research
10:00 Linux and OSS in Enterprise Development
Bill Hilf
Sr Architect and Linux Technical Leader. IBM
11:00 Web Application Development with Perl
Eric Hammond
Director of Technology.
12:00 Lunch (Included for paid registrants)
1:OO Introduction to PHP and PEAR
Jesus Castagnetto
Co-author of "Professional PHP Programming" (Wrox Press)
2:00 Python-Powered Web Application Development
Chuck Esterbrook
Software Consultant and Creator of Webware for Python
3:00 Mid-afternoon break
3:15 Java OSS Web Technologies
Dave Ford
Java Consultant and Trainer. SmartSoft.
4:15 Experiences in OSS Web Application Development Panel
Facilitated by Prakash Malani
Principal Software Engineer.
5:15 Closing
Closing remarks and symposium wrapup.
Cost and Registration
Your registration fees will be discounted according to your IEEE and/or
Computer Society membership, as shown below:
Standard $75
IEEE Member $60
IEEE Student Member $30
Student $45
You may register online at
If you are one of the first 75 paid registrants, you will get a chance to
win one of two Oreilly's "Linux Server CD Bookshelf" (retail value:
$119.95), or one of many other LAMP related Oreilly reference books.
COSST Volunteers will get in free. There may also be T-Shirts. To volunteer,
contact Sebastian: seguti at or call 1-949-509-9628
Conexant Systems-Jazz Semiconductor
4321 Jamboree Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660
A map of the area may be found at
For more information, please visit us at or call
Toll Free 1-888-548-1969
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