Python syntax in Lisp and Scheme
Greg Ewing (using
g2h5dqi002 at
Thu Oct 23 01:09:00 EDT 2003
Jacek Generowicz wrote:
> Yes, you use flet (or labels) if you want a local function definition,
> and defun if you want a global one. Lisp caters for both
> possibilities. Does Python ?
If you mean the ability to have a nested function definition
that actually defines a top-level function, then yes, it
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>>> def f():
... global g
... def g():
... print "Urk!"
>>> g()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
NameError: name 'g' is not defined
>>> f()
>>> g()
Although I'm having a hard time imagining why you'd
actually *want* to do such a thing!
Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept,
University of Canterbury,
Christchurch, New Zealand
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