[PY GUI] interest function in python GUI(wxpython, pyqt) program.wxpython, pyqt
project5 at redrival.net
Tue Oct 21 06:04:39 EDT 2003
ulysses wrote:
> I'm working in python 5 months. I think it's very cool language.
> I do a p2p python program GUI.
> First I make a software by wxpython. But I find wxpython use many many
> memory.
All GUIs tend to have a certain overhead. A fairly typical wxPy program
will be (at startup) around 20 MB, but something really big like Boa
gets to about 35 MB and something smallish can be around 15 MB. I don't
find this unacceptable on reasonably modern systems. Other apps are
roughly in the same range: Word, MSIE, Mozilla Thunderbird, Opera and
Delphi are around 20 MB and people can keep those open at all times too.
> Second I use PYQT. But memory use still big.
> But but but when I minimize the windows to taskbar, a fantasy
> something
> happened. memory use very very low when windows minimize.
> So I test it in wxPython. It's same as pyqt. Before I minimize windows
> to tray, and hide main windows. This way I just minimize to
> taskbar,don't
> hide to tray. memory use very low.
Happens with all apps on Windows: if you minimize them, the memory use
in the task manager drops.
> I don't know how to program wxpython software can hide to tray and get
> lower memory use.although current computer's memory very big.
You should look into wxTaskBarIcon. wxPy questions are probably best
asked on the wxPython list.
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