Code blocks

David Mertz mertz at
Tue Oct 14 00:38:06 EDT 2003

|>     block foo(this, that, other):
|>         x = this+that
|>         y = this*other
|>         z = x // (y-that)
|>     def bar(someblock):
|>         a, b, c = (4, 5, 6)
|>         someblock(a,b,c)
|>         return x,y,z
|>     vals = bar(foo)   #-> (9, 24, 0)

|Anyway, now that i think about this, it should be possible to lookup
|the calling context's locals and insert the current locals.
|     def foo():
|         absorb()
|         x = this+that
|         y = this*other
|         z = x // (y-that)
|         expose()

It's not too hard to look up the call stack to GET the binding from the
calling context.  I.e.

  >>> def about_caller():
  ...     import inspect
  ...     print inspect.currentframe(1).f_locals
  >>> def somefunc():
  ...     x, y, z = 1, 2, 3
  ...     about_caller()
  >>> somefunc()
  {'y': 2, 'x': 1, 'z': 3}

Actually, you could define this in a utility 'absorb()' function (which
would look at 'currentframe(2)' instead of 1).  The problem is that
there's no good way to put values back INTO the calling context.  So I
can't see a way to write the 'expose()' function.

Btw. In answer to Alex' concern about dynamic scoping--which admittedly
my suggestion basically amounts to:  I think the main use of a "block"
(or whatever name might be used) is that certain code might be used
between many local contexts.  If you just define a block within a
particular function 'spam()', that hardly helps you when you want to do
the same steps in 'eggs()'.

In a way, a block amounts to a poor-man's macro, since it IS an
expansion of sorts.  But to my mind, it isn't nearly as dangerous as
macros can be.  Then again, as I proposed it, it might be non-obvious
when a call is to a block versus when it is to a function.  So maybe
some special syntax would be needed at the point of the call also.

Of course, as I envision it, a block might also do a bit of inspection
of its context (as in the 'about_caller()' function above)... so maybe
it really is skating too close to the perils of macros, which Alex and I
pretty much agree on.

Yours, David...

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